The 6th of August was a day dedicated entirely to Yacht Club Costa Smeralda Members for the traditional General Assembly and Members Dinner. The YCCS President, H.H. the Aga Khan was present as was the President of the Board of Directors, members of the Board and the Board of Auditors as the various annual reports were presented. The Board of Directors proposed the re-election of Commodore Riccardo Bonadeo which was unanimously approved.
The new Members who have joined the Club were presented and, at the date of the assembly, the association counted 644 Members in total of which 555 Ordinary Members, 60 Junior Members and 29 Sporting Members. During the Assembly prizes were awarded to Members and teams who proudly fly the YCCS burgee on regatta courses around the world.
In the evening the Club welcomed 320 Members for the Annual Members’ Dinner, a wonderful evening accompanied by the performance of renowned Italian pianist and songwriter Raphael Gualazzi.
For further information please contact the Members Secretary.